Reply To: Ground replacements points

Published by Martyn Potts on

Home Forums TSWW Game VIII: BARBAROSSA Ground replacements points Reply To: Ground replacements points

Martyn Potts

Sorry Ron, I didn’t know you had posted again. I look at the time information in the Last Post column to see if there is anything new in the forum, but this doesn’t pick-up new activity in existing posts, only new posts.

When I said “In this case their normal replacements would have been a total of 1 SRP made up of infantry and artillery” I didn’t bother to explain how I had arrived at that 1 SRP because it is exactly the same way as I had set out in the previous paragraph.

“Should it be 3 divided by 4 which would be .75 infantry and then 1 divided by 4 for the artillery which would be .25. Is this how you got 1 SRP for the two reduced divisions? Then the one would be times .25 which would be .25 SRP? Is this correct.”

A Stacking Point is the unit of measurement used to define how big a counter is.
A Stacking Replacement Points are the units of measurement used to define how much of a resource you have.
1 SP = 1 SRP.
You can pick up an SP off the map, it is a physical counter, you can’t pick up an SRP because they are typically recorded on paper or a replacement track.

The two Unit Replacement charts, one for divisions and one for non-divisional units, tell you the composition of units. If you have a brigade of motorised infantry you have a unit that is 2 SP in size and if you wanted to know what made up that brigade you would see from that chart it is 1 SP of infantry and 1 SP of armour. That information is only useful to you when it dies in combat because you need it to calculate any combat replacements due. When it is in the dead pool and you want to buy it back you will need 1 infantry SRP and 1 armour SRP.

When playing, any counters lost in combat that are eligible for combat replacements I place in a pile and at then end of the turn (Rule 6.3.g) I calculate the combat replacements by type – armour, infantry and artillery – and note them down (or use the replacement track). The counters then go into the dead pile. However, you can’t do this with units that are reduced rather than eliminated completely as their counters are still on the map, so in this case I record their combat replacements as I go along. You also need to be careful, especially in a big game with potentially lots of casualties in a turn, that you don’t just chuck eliminated counters that have a reduced side into a pile as you need to know when you calculate combat replacements if they were eliminated at full strength or when reduced.

I don’t calculate the number of SPs in a hex unless I need to – such as for combat. Unless you are in mountains or on a limited land mass the stacking limit is quite generous.
