Blitzkrieg 2

Published by John Bannerman on

Home Forums TSWW Game I: BLITZKRIEG Blitzkrieg 2

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    • #2380
      John Bannerman

      Hi All
      As you know we are working slowly on the update to Blitzkrieg. This will:
      1. Expand mapping significantly including Iceland
      2. Introduce the Strategic Map Displays to the main ETO zone – in this case the North Atlantic and Caribbean
      3. Lengthen the time frame out to match Mare Nostrum/Mare Nostrum 2
      4. Increase the counter count by at least 4 sheets – and possibly 8.
      5. Dramatically increase the number of scenarios and modules.
      6. Re-present the rules and OBs to current standards.

      I am also considering introducing a more complex naval damage system but that is very much open to question as it would be much harder to deal with in terms of the combat system. That said a split between hull and superstructure damage would be most useful in showing some of the assorted ways ships got clobbered during the war!

      More soon on this massive project!


    • #2383
      Simone Capecchi

      First placing pre-order!! 🙂

      Ok, i’m kidding, but i’m really happy with this news

      Keep pushin’


    • #2648
      mark ruggiero

      Don’t change the naval damage system please. The game is complex enough. Im a huge fan but do play other games to :}

    • #2653
      John Bannerman

      HAHAHAHAHA – oh go on… let me… please, pretty please?!?!?

    • #3536

      Hi John

      A year and day since the last post, what is the status of Blitzkrieg II? When will the P500 end, and do you have a projected release date?

      Thanks and best regards


    • #3546

      Hi Bob
      BK is tied up with sorting mapping in the west. OB research is largely completed. Art will commence at some point in 2021 (very late in the year) with Liberation – as we had a major cock up with the US OB for the PTO hence my decision to redo BF and reprint HP!



    • #3565

      Hi John

      Thanks for the quick response. If I have understood correctly, Blitzkrieg II is realistically likely to appear in 2022: is that a fair assumption? Not so bad as it gives me a chance to save up 🙂

      Does the problem with the US OB in the PTO affect the Singapore module?



    • #3569
      Martyn Potts

      Hi Bob

      “Does the problem with the US OB in the PTO affect the Singapore module?”
      No. There aren’t many US ground units in Singapore – mostly engineers and logistics building the road into Burma. Lots of USN and USAAF though.


    • #3570

      Thanks Martyn

    • #3575

      I forgot to add that John had responded to say that Blitz 2 will hopefully be appearing in 2022 🙂

    • #3880

      hello any news about the status for this game ?

    • #4048
      Steve Bristow

      Hello there.
      Would anyone know if there are any spare Blitzkrieg maps available to buy? I have BK2 on pre-order(and am suitably excited), but would love to connect BK maps to my Barbarossa ones and not sure when BK2 will be out. Would be happy to buy a copy of the original game with everything in it (don’t want self print just now though), but cant see much online. Thanks as always to John as his colleagues for all the hard work they are putting in!

      • #4055
        John Bannerman

        Hi Steve,
        I can provide PDF files for the maps – please email me at my normal address. Unfortunately I have absolutely nothing left of the original game in stock (I believe my own copy is now an ex demo that is punched and not 100% complete).

        Soooo if that helps ping me an email



    • #4056
      John Bannerman

      Quick Update on BK2 progress.

      15 mile to the hex Mapping is more or less completed except one area which I need to do (but its not that hard or big….). Box art is needing the back revised. Front will get a minor refresh.

      75 mile Art is NOT STARTED. This will need a bit of messing with but is not a big task.

      OB research EXCEPT THE ITALIANS is complete. See BF2 for Italian research issues… though to be fair the BK stuff is now more or less updated. MN2 is a whole other story. We will re-rate 100% of the Italian navy prior to release and much of the RN (well more or less all of it).

      Rules are complete

      Charts need refreshed and redone

      So lots has now been done…. more to be done as you can imagine.


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